It’s time to say goodbye to that soul-sucking job for fulfilling work you LOVE.

Hi there, I’m Laura!

I embarked on my career fulfillment journey shortly after graduating college. While working in my first corporate job, I started to feel like something was wrong, I felt so purposeless at work and began thinking Is this all I’m going to do with my life??

I dreamt of making a greater impact in the world and utilizing my key strengths and gifts in my career. I learned where I was was not for me and swore to never stop looking until I found it.

Now, I’m a Life + Career Fulfillment Coach helping ambitious, impact-driven women, (like you!) who feel stuck in their jobs, gain career clarity and confidence to go after fulfilling work aligned with them and the impact they want to make.

Helping You Make a Purposeful Career Change

Change your Mindset, Change your Career

Gain Career Clarity

Build Confidence

Overcome Self-Doubt

Find Career Fulfillment

Choose your starting point

Job Fulfillment Workbook

A FREE workbook to help you gain clarity on what is and is not working in your career to start making changes!

1-on-1 Coaching

A 3 month, 1-on-1 coaching program tailored to your specific career + life goals with access to a library of tools and resources!

No more dreading your workweek. Design a career aligned with your values, passions and unique strengths.

What my clients are saying

“During my time working with Laura, I found the motivation to actively apply for jobs and was able to leave a miserable workplace when I found a new job, aligned with a career I was interested in, along with a $15K salary increase! I believe that coaching is very beneficial for anyone starting to take the first steps toward self-improvement, but may want to start by talking to a coach in a pressure-free environment."

- Sara

"I was feeling stuck in my career and had been applying to job after job with nothing to show. I wanted to gain confidence in myself and identify my transferable skills and strengths to help me throughout my career. During coaching, I landed a new job and increased my salary by almost 40%! I gained clarity and confidence in my strengths and was able to change my perspective on my career and life! I now know how to set goals, hold myself accountable and tap into my own resourcefulness when I need to, which will serve me well throughout my career - wherever it goes!"

- Julia

"I wanted to gain clarity on my life and career direction as I was feeling stuck and out of alignment. Our coaching conversations led to MAJOR breakthroughs and mindset shifts like learning what will matter to me at 90 years old is NOT what I do for a living and more money isn't going to mean more fulfillment in my career. I'm now showing up more as my authentic self by starting my OWN business, I never would have realized this entrepreneurial path was meant for me without this support. This was truly life changing!”

- Meera

You know you’re meant for more.

Let’s design a meaningful career on your terms.